
Showing posts from April, 2018

Retiring Cop Gets Emotional During Last Radio Call

Changing the channel on the t.v and seeing this sounds super sad. A man retiring from his police job and speaking for the last time on the radio got him super emotional. This just proves that he loved what he did at his job because he will never get to do it again since he is retiring. The Sarasota Police Department honored Andre Jenkins in a ceremony for his 30 years of service he had done. He specifically said over police radio, " He will cherish  them for the rest of his life " referring to the good memories he had as a police officer. This just shows how dedicated a person is to their job if he really love it because when it comes for their time to retire they get certain feeling brought to them when they officially leave.

Last Couple of Weeks of Semester

These last couple of weeks of the semester have been rough. This is the time where teachers make papers due and projects. For one, in Writing in the Disciplines the work load has not been a lot. In class we have been working on writing police reports based on mini clips we have been watching in class. First we have to figure of what type of police report it is, then we have to give details on everything that happened in the clip including actions officers took. This assignment was not bad because we were able to work in groups and work together on figuring out what should go into the report.

My Reaction to Bill Cosby's Sentence

After eating in the Den at school with some friends, We all had noticed that Bill Cosby had been found guilty with aggravated and sexually assaulting women. For me I'm just surprised on how fast they came to the agreement and found in guilty in court. I honestly thought it would have gone on for like another month or so. Him going to jail after everything they found that he did, he will just slowly die in jail since he is elderly as it is. Also I wonder what is going to happen with all his television shows he had?