
Showing posts from May, 2018

Final Blog Post

This semester in Writing in the Disciplines was a great class. I enjoyed how the majority of this class was in group work, I was able to work together and meet new people I had never known before and create friendships. I usually am a shy and quiet person but in this class working in groups I was able to step out and talk to everyone and cooperate equally. I also liked how Dr. Kyburz always encouraged participation, at first the class was very quiet but toward the end of the semester we all got comfortable with one another to be able to speak in front of each other and work together. One assignment I really enjoyed were watching short police scenes and being able to write up a report from it. We worked in groups and we had to write everything in chronological order and distinguish what type of report was it. Based on the actions officer took it helped us determine the type. Being able to write a good report is an important factor in Law Enforcement, Dr Kyburz express this pretty much...

Something I was not expecting

This is something I was not expecting at all especially in the last week of classes before finals. Being the last week of classes and having a lot of final papers due this week and then came finals week after that. It all started on Tuesday night with a small headache then came Wednesday morning and I could barley think. My head felt like it was pounding so hard and It was super hot so I thought I was getting a fever.  It was barley possible to even write my papers those two days and I had one due that night and the Thursday, so it was somewhat rough. Thankfully I felt better today.

Warm Weather

As the cold weather drifts away in Chicago the warm weather is now coming. Yes it is last weeks of school and it is important to attend but this warm weather makes it hard too. It is the time where you can sleep with windows open and row down windows and sun roofs in cars . All one wants to do is spend the day outside and enjoy it and hang with friends but yet school is important and one has to sacrifice things.