Final Blog Post

This semester in Writing in the Disciplines was a great class. I enjoyed how the majority of this class was in group work, I was able to work together and meet new people I had never known before and create friendships. I usually am a shy and quiet person but in this class working in groups I was able to step out and talk to everyone and cooperate equally. I also liked how Dr. Kyburz always encouraged participation, at first the class was very quiet but toward the end of the semester we all got comfortable with one another to be able to speak in front of each other and work together.

One assignment I really enjoyed were watching short police scenes and being able to write up a report from it. We worked in groups and we had to write everything in chronological order and distinguish what type of report was it. Based on the actions officer took it helped us determine the type. Being able to write a good report is an important factor in Law Enforcement, Dr Kyburz express this pretty much every class and what makes a good report. Although my writing is not perfect, such as the grammar part I learned from this class to always read over what I wrote, such as for commas because most likely there was an error and you can find it if you read it to yourself.

For the most part this class was very fun and it had informed me on a lot new stuff that I did not cover in my other classes with different techniques for things. I met new people and it was a great pleasure of having Dr. Kyburz as a professor she knows what she is talking about. She made everything really easy  to not confuse anyone but also challenged us in some assignments.  Thank you for all you have taught in this class Dr. Kyburz.

Hope everyone has a good summer,
Brianna Nunez


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