
Showing posts from March, 2018


Interrogations is a type of method used a lot by law enforcement when trying to solve a case. It has been used for many years now in police work. This method is used in order for police to gather information. In some cases police officers doing the interrogation may get carried away when it comes to trying to make the person confess what they did. Some may intimidate them and try to get as much as they can. Doing this the person being interrogated just wants to get out of there as fast as possible, which leads to false confessions being made after being harassed so much by police. It is super depressing the fact that police do certain things just to get what they need to solve a crime.  After reading the Reid Technique article, I had no idea what it was to begin with until I read it.  The Reid Technique is a simple method used when interrogating. It begins with a form of interview called the behavioral analysis. This is basically starts off with asking a series of questions. First

President Trump and What He Says About Illegal Drugs

I do not know how many of you have seen this on television. The other day I saw on news that President Trump at a rally said he wants to give the death penalty to those who are drug dealers. To me I think he is taking the crime being done to a whole another level. I feel drug dealers should be punished but not to the point that they will get killed. He says that drug dealers destroy families and kill people because of there drugs. I am not saying that drug dealers do not do this but the people buying the drugs from them, may not know what is included in drugs but the person is choosing to buy it when they have the choice . I feel like drug dealers should be put into prison or helped out in order to get away from drugs instead of being sentenced to death. I feel the president just wants to get rid of everyone doing harm, but that is just me.

NYPD Officer Was a Intended Target of a Crude Bomb

Looking up on the internet with what is going on with police I came across a fascinating article.  In Brooklyn a man named Victor Kingsley planted a bomb and severely injured a man named George Wray. Kingsley was charged with using a weapon of mass murder. This act was meant to target a New York Police Officer for doing his job but ended up in a tragic death of a unintended victim. Kingsley wanted to get revenge for what police did to him back in January where they arrested him for possession of weapons and disorderly conduct by unit in the 67th precinct.  It just amazes me that he would get revenge that way with a bomb. Like he should know what kind of consequences he would get. The fact that he wanted to get a police officer and ended up killing a innocent person which makes me mad cause that person was not expecting to get burned from bomb and die later that day.

Reflection On Group Project

From this group project I have learned that there are 4 types of police reports. The first one is basically just the officer recording the facts. An example of this would be incident report where officer just takes notes. Type two would have to be where officer records the facts and investigates.  An example of this would be a traffic violation where officer has to investigate everything that happened with accident. Type three report would have to be officer takes notes, investigates, and then takes action. For this an example would be a domestic violence report since officer would mostly likely take action and then try to find the person of violence causes. Lastly, type four is when police initiates involvement, records facts, investigates and then takes action in process. For this a great example would be arrest report since in type four you need probable cause to make an arrest when police are involved.